Honista Vs Instagram

As we all know there is an era of Advancement and modernization. People always demand more freedom while using their favorite apps. This is a trend in social media that people desire more features and options while using the apps like Instagram. Therefore better and people friendly apps appear and perform with enhanced features which is demand of modern users. Honista is the best example that replaces Instagram with great elite features which grab the attention of end users. In this blog, I will discuss the difference in this way honista vs Instagram.

A Brief Introduction of Honista and Instagram

Honista and Instagram are both well known social media apps and they are widely used across the globe. People love while using Instagram but its nature of social media users they always want more, Same is the case for Instagram users. So the app is modified, Honista is the best replacement for Instagram due to some distinctive features. The main deal in both apps is viewing and managing the content. Let’s compare both as Honista Vs Instagram.

Comparison of Features

There are following remarkable features that can be compared. Moreover other multiple features are also included in this list but i will discuss few. Want to know more follow Honista Vs Instagram.

Privacy and Security

You all know privacy is much needed element while using social apps. People are concerned about privacy and security while using Instagram due to some limited access and features. But on the other hand Honista is far more protective due to enhance privacy and security which is highly demanded by end users for their mental satisfaction. Ghost mode is a great addition in Honista that makes it a winner. What else you want, you are using your app and nobody knows that you are online or doing some activity on your app. Lockable chats are another great privacy feature that make chats quite restricted for others and make privacy more promising. It is quite good parameter to know the difference in Honista Vs Instagram.

Themes and Customization

It is a widely known fact that themes have major role while using such apps. User are always attracted to multi features and enhanced themes with great customization. Instagram has limited choices of themes and customization which is somehow disappointing for million users .But Honista surpasses in this domain because it contains more than 50 Themes and better customization options that are highly demanded by users. In this way Honista is far beyond preferred option for users. I know you will be convinced by this fact. while reading Honista Vs Instagram.

No More Ads

It seems so boring and time consuming while dealing with ads on Instagram or any other app. Fortunately Honista is free from ads that is a great plus point. It surely saves the consumers time and efforts quite simply. Every body is busy now in daily routine and personal matters therefore people always want more freedom and ease which is a great addition by Honista.

Content Sharing and Media Downloads

Instagram restricts the users from downloading the content like pictures and videos. with ease and satisfaction while using the app, Which feels much disturbing and annoyed. We all no everybody wants to get their pictures and other media options for personal joy and satisfaction. It hearts when you have such limitations. You will definitely agree with me. But our app does it quite efficiently now downloading pictures, posts, Videos and many other things is not a problem. All this is possible due to great Honista App. Lif is great now wow!


It depends upon the mod of user what they really want. In this time of ultra advancement everybody needs advanced stuff therefore Honista is the best option. This is why people also search Honista Instagram APK download. This is the way and choice of people because they want enhanced privacy and features.


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